Using python for the ultrasonic distance sensor from part one of this post in a project I realized: It is still too slow. In my project I record high queality video using the raspberry pi camera at high resolution. That puts quite some load on the IO. As a result, the timing needed for the distance measurement becomes unreliable. Results vary by more than a meter shot-to shot (without changing the distance to the first obstacle). For higher timing accuracy I decided to do the distance measurement in C or C++. I stole some interrupt based c++ code from here. I modified it to have it measure continuously. The code does one measuerement every 25miliseconds and outputs the result as a binary float to stdout. The result looks like this (download here):
// code based on // #include<iostream> #include<wiringPi.h> #include<errno.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdint.h> //for uint32_t using namespace std; uint32_t time1=0,time2=0; uint32_t time_diff=0; float Range_cm=0; volatile int flag=0; void show_distance(void); void myInterrupt(void) // Interrupt routine { // Called whenever the input pin toggles uint32_t timeTemp=micros(); if(flag==0) // first toggle? note the time { time1=timeTemp; flag=1; } else // second toggle? compute the distance { time2=timeTemp; flag=0; time_diff=time2-time1; Range_cm=time_diff/58.; } } void show_distance()// writes the distance as a { // binary float to stdout. fwrite(&Range_cm,sizeof(float),1,stdout); cout.flush(); } int main(void) { if(wiringPiSetup()<0) { cout<<"wiringPiSetup failed !!\n"; } pinMode(4,OUTPUT); pinMode(5,INPUT); pullUpDnControl(5,PUD_DOWN); if(wiringPiISR(5,INT_EDGE_BOTH,&myInterrupt) < 0) { cerr<<"interrupt error ["<<strerror (errno)<< "]:"<<errno<<endl; return 1; } while(1) // this loop starts a new measurement { // every 2500 miliseconds time1=0; time2=0; flag=0; digitalWrite(4,0); delayMicroseconds(1); digitalWrite(4,1); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(4,0); delayMicroseconds(25000); show_distance(); } return 0; }
Now we just need to modify our python class to read the regularly arriving distance from the c-code instead of measuring it itsself. To do so I use the following code (download
# License GPL import gps import threading import subprocess import time import numpy import os #from xdg.Menu import tmp # culd be beefed up with code from here #GPS class distanceMeter(threading.Thread): # the init routine starts the compiled c-code # at high priority and initializes variables def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.distanceProcess = subprocess.Popen(['./distance'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=500,preexec_fn=lambda : os.nice(-19)) self.running = True self.currentdistance=0.0 self.lastFive=numpy.zeros(5) self.lastFiveValid=numpy.zeros(5) self.current=0 self.currentValid=0 print "created" # the run method of the thread is an infinite loop: # whenever a distance measurement arrives # the result is checked for validity (changes by more # than 5 cm in 25msec are rejected as implausible for # my means). Then mean and standard deviation of last # five samples is computed. def run(self): print "starting loop" while self.running: # whenever new binary data comes in # put it into a numpy float and # process it. tmp=numpy.fromstring(rawdata,dtype="<f4")[-1] if (numpy.abs(self.lastFive-tmp)<5).any(): self.currentdistance=tmp self.lastFiveValid[self.currentValid%5]=tmp self.currentValid+=1 self.lastFive[self.current%5]=tmp self.current+=1 def stopController(self): self.running = False self.distanceProcess.send_signal(2) self.distanceProcess.kill() @property def distance(self): return numpy.mean(self.lastFiveValid) @property def deviation(self): return numpy.std(self.lastFiveValid) # This is just to show how to use the the class above if __name__ == '__main__': test=distanceReader() test.start() for i in numpy.arange(1000): try: print test.distance time.sleep(.1) # you can put as much code as you like here, # test.distance will always contain the current # distance measurement, updated every 25msec. except KeyboardInterrupt: test.stopController() test.join() break
With this I get reasonable distance measurements even while recording high resolution high quality video using the camera.